Discussion Boards
An online forum where users can ask and answer questions on a variety of cardiology, research and engineering topics.
Discussion boardsJournal club
Discussion and critical appraisal of literature from leading cardiology journals.
Journal clubDataframes
Making your Big Data, Good Data. It'll blow your mind.
Imagine you have some data. Maybe you don't know how to analyse it, or maybe it is so disorganised that you spend hours doing simple tasks. We can make this data into wonderful, beautiful, clever dataframes.
Filter it, sort it, search it, graph it, the list goes on.....
Awesome Graphs
How good is a good graph?! Oh yeah, it's that good.
Stand out from the crowd and make your data look amazing. Check out the Gallery to see some examples!
Let's look at some graphsDash Plotly
Interact with graphs online. Zoom, Pan, Select, Capture, Hover.
Take a look at interactive graphingTutorials
For those people who like to know why
An attempt to delve into first principles, basic science, pure maths and all those other things which are often glossed over in medical literature.
Let me seeDiscussion Boards
“Who could answer my question?”
Your lightbulb moment awaits!
Ask/Answer a question on one of the many boards, or just have a look around.
I need a question answered!Journal Club
A behind the scenes look at various publications. Not just a boring recap of the abstract.
Critical appraisal, statistical analysis and discussion of the basic science.
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